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San Javier Today is a website set up by Murcia Today specifically for residents of the urbanisation in Southwest Murcia, providing news and information on what’s happening in the local area, which is the largest English-speaking expat area in the Region of Murcia.
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November 15 Guided tour of the convent church of San José in Caravaca
The convent of San José was founded in Caravaca by Santa Teresa de Ávila in the 16th century
The Carmelite convent in Caravaca was founded by Santa Teresa de Ávila in 1576, and the baroque architecture still stands on the Calle Mayor. Unfortunately, Teresa was unable to attend the founding ceremony in person due to unexpected problems in Sevilla.
Nowadays the location might be central, but during the 16th century it was outside the city walls of Caravaca when it was built to contain 26 rooms housing members of the Order distributed around a central patio and the convent church. The church was originally built in the 17th century but additional decorative elements were added in the 18th, and backs on to the rest of the convent complex.
The building was sold by the Carmelite Order in 2004 and the religious works of art were removed and taken to a new location in Mazarrón. However, the magnificent altar screens can still be seen, as can the organ and an unusual confessional decorated with small reflective panels.
The tour on November 15 begins at 12.00 and costs just 5 euros, with tickets available from any of the local museums in Caravaca de la Cruz, by email to or from the tourist office.
Visitors should remember that the church is also open, without guided visits, on weekdays from 10.00 to 14.00 and 16.30 to 19.30, on Saturdays from 10.30 to 14.00 and 16.30 to 19.30 and on Sundays from 10.30 to 14.00.
For more local information, including the Holy Jubilee Year as well as local news and what’s on, go to the home page of Caravaca Today.