Guidelines for submitting articles to San Javier Today
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San Javier Today is a website set up by Murcia Today specifically for residents of the urbanisation in Southwest Murcia, providing news and information on what’s happening in the local area, which is the largest English-speaking expat area in the Region of Murcia.
When submitting text to be included on San Javier Today, please abide by the following guidelines so we can upload your article as swiftly as possible:
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Attach the information in a Word Document or Google Doc
Include all relevant points, including:
Who is the organisation running the event?
Where is it happening?
How much does it cost?
Is it necessary to book beforehand, or can people just show up on the day?
…but try not to exceed 300 words
Also attach a photo to illustrate your article, no more than 100kb
November 10 Free guided walk at the natural monument of Monte Arabí in Yecla
A gentle 6-kilometre walk at the magic mountain in northern Murcia
This free walking tour of the mountain of Monte Arabí in the far north of the Region of Murcia offers a chance to discover some of the magic which surrounds the mythical site as well as its natural heritage and its geo-diversity.
In addition, this is one of the routes which includes the prehistoric rock art included in a UNESCO Wolrd Heritage Site, with explanations provided by a specialist from the Cayetano de Mergelina archaeology museum in Yecla.
The walk is a comfortable 6 kilometres and is expected to end at approximately 13.30, leaving time to head back into Yecla itself for a well-deserved lunch! Although the event is free of charge prior registration is required online here. Those travelling from Yecla can do so in convoy from the roundabout on Ronda Norte next to Bodegas Castaño (click here for map).
This walk is not recommended for those aged under 9, and visitors should be aware that it does not include the prehistoric rock art which has been awarded World Heritage status by UNESCO.
If visiting Yecla don’t forget to make sure one of your first ports of call is the tourist office (Plaza Mayor, 1, email, telephone 968 754104).
For more local events, news and visiting information go to the home page of Yecla Today.