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February 1 to 3 Fiestas de San Blas in Yecla
Take part in the 500-year-old Yecla fiestas and partake of the Blessed Bread to ward of sore throats!
The fiestas of San Blas are one of the oldest surviving traditions in Yecla, dating back to at least the 16th century, and take place every year in early February.
At this time of year it is customary for all households in Yecla to be well-stocked with “Pan Bendito” (blessed bread), and the same bread is actually blessed in the Basílica de la Purísima. Yet more bread is sent to relatives outside Yecla so that they can continue the tradition in the belief that San Blas will protect them from throat infections!
3rd February is the feast day of San Blas and the fiestas take place around that date. Traditionally, the events begin with a Saturday procession to the Basílica to recite the lord’s Prayer, followed by a parade to the Calle de la Iglesia, home to the old niche of San Blas. A bonfire is lit here and local dignitaries jump over the flames!
A larger procession takes place on the Sunday, featuring three enormous Panes Benditos and the figure of the Saint, accompanied by local authorities both religious and non-religious. Thousands of Yeclanos join in carrying their own bread, including local children, and Mass is held in the Basílica.
The fiestas end with an afternoon of entertainment in the Plaza Mayor, with running races and events such as the sack race for children!
The schedule for the 2025 fiestas includes the following:
Saturday February 1
18.30: The faithful gather at the Basílica de la Purísima and pray before the figure of San Blas, praying for his intervention to ward off sore throats.
The group then moves on to the Oven of San Blas to light the traditional bonfire, accompanied by fireworks and firecrackers. The evening ends with wine, nuts and lupin beans (“tramuzos”, and actually very tasty!).
Sunday February 2
10.30: The faithful gather at the Basílica de la Purísima for the blessing of the monumental “pan bendito” and other loaves.
11.00: The procession of the Panes Benditos begins outside the Basílica, continuing to the Overn of San Blas. After the reciting of the Lord’s Prayer the procession continues before returning to the Basílica.
12.00: Holy Mass in honour of San Blas, followed by the handing out of bread.
16.30: The Plaza Mayor hosts the traditional San Blas Games, including an urban cross country run for all ages, a sack race, a greasy-pole climbing competition and other events.
Monday February 3
19.00: Holy Mass in honour of San Blas in the Basílica de la Purísima.
(Note: San Blas, or Saint Blaise, was an Armenian physician and 4th-century Christian martyr who is patron saint not only of physicians, healing and veterinarians but also, in different places of infants, animals, builders, stonecutters, carvers, drapers, wool workers, the wool industry, throats, defence against choking, ENT illnesses, Bradford, Italy, Sicily, Dubrovnik, Paraguay and Madeira!)
For more local news, events and visiting information go to the home page of Yecla Today.